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Daniel Monroe Code of Ethics & Spiritual Principles

Daniel Monroe Code of Ethics & Spiritual Principles

At The Daniel Monroe Development Academy (DMDA) and through all services provided by Daniel Monroe, including readings, mentoring, classes, and public events, we uphold a high standard of ethics, integrity, and spiritual responsibility.

This Code of Ethics serves as a foundation for Daniel Monroe, students, colleagues, and all practitioners trained under DMDA to ensure the highest level of respect, authenticity, and professionalism in our work with Spirit.



  1. Respect & Compassion for All

    • Every client, student, and colleague deserves to be treated with respect, kindness, and compassion.

    • We honor the emotional well-being of those we serve, especially when delivering sensitive or difficult messages.

  2. Integrity & Truth in Readings

    • Readings should always be conducted with honesty, accuracy, and ethical responsibility.

    • Messages from Spirit should be delivered with truth, but also with hope, encouragement, and empowerment.

    • If a connection is not strong or Spirit is not coming through, the reading should be closed with honesty rather than forced.

  3. Spiritual Gifts are Sacred, Not Entertainment

    • Mediumship and psychic abilities are a gift from Spirit, not a party trick.

    • We use our abilities for healing, guidance, and insight, not for shock value or entertainment purposes.

  4. Respecting Other Practitioners & Spirit Work

    • We honor and respect other psychics, mediums, healers, and spiritual practitioners.

    • Professionalism and unity in the spiritual community are essential.

  5. No Researching Clients or Cold Reading Tactics

    • Ethical mediumship requires a pure connection to Spirit.

    • We do not research clients before a reading or ask leading questions to gather information.

    • Authenticity comes from Spirit, not from information obtained beforehand.

  6. No Leading Clients or Telling Them What They Want to Hear

    • Clients should never lead the reading or direct the medium with excessive information.

    • Mediums should not alter messages to fit what a client hopes to hear.

    • Spirit brings through what is needed, not necessarily what is expected.

  7. Privacy & Confidentiality

    • Client information, readings, and shared experiences must remain confidential unless the client provides written permission to share.

    • Any use of client stories for books, social media, or teaching purposes requires express consent.

  8. Energy Exchange & Professional Boundaries

    • As spiritual practitioners, we honor the exchange of energy, whether monetary or through service.

    • We maintain healthy boundaries with clients and students, ensuring a professional relationship at all times.

  9. Mediumship is a Privilege, Not a Right

    • Every reading is an honor and a sacred trust between Spirit, the medium, and the client.

    • Mediums should always thank Spirit and the client for allowing the connection.

  10. Continual Learning & Growth

  • Mediumship and psychic abilities are lifelong journeys of learning.

  • We commit to expanding our knowledge, refining our skills, and deepening our connection with Spirit.



At DMDA, we believe in the following core spiritual principles that guide our teachings, readings, and personal development:

  1. Spirit is Real, and Life is Eternal

    • We believe in the continuation of the soul after physical death and that love transcends all realms.

  2. We Are All Connected

    • Energy, Spirit, and universal consciousness connect us all.

  3. We Co-Create Our Reality

    • Our thoughts, emotions, and actions shape our experiences in life and beyond.

  4. Divine Guidance is Available to Everyone

    • Everyone has the ability to connect with Spirit, intuition, and their higher self.

    • Psychic and mediumship development is a natural part of the human experience.

  5. Personal Responsibility & Free Will

    • Spirit can provide guidance, but we are responsible for our own choices, actions, and spiritual growth.

  6. Integrity & Truth Above All

    • Mediums and psychics should always serve the highest good, without manipulation or personal gain.

  7. The Power of Healing & Hope

    • Spirit communication should bring healing, closure, and reassurance to those in need.

  8. Positivity Attracts Positivity

    • The Law of Attraction is real, and what we put out into the world returns to us.

  9. Learning Never Ends

    • The spiritual path is ongoing, and we commit to continuous growth, humility, and self-discovery.

  10. Serving Spirit is an Honor

  • Being a medium, teacher, or spiritual guide is a privilege, not a right.

  • We serve with gratitude, humility, and deep respect for the spirit world.



At DMDA, we hold ourselves, our students, and all affiliated practitioners to the highest ethical and spiritual standards.

If a student, certified medium, or practitioner violates this Code of Ethics through intentional misconduct, negligence, or unethical behavior, DMDA reserves the right to revoke certifications, remove individuals from programs, and refuse future mentorship or training opportunities.

We are committed to upholding the integrity of Spirit work and ensuring that all who train under Daniel Monroe represent the highest level of professionalism and ethical conduct.

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